At seventeenth months old, Hilmi can talk to someone and spell some words (start from the middle of June). He can spell "tatu.." for say "jatuh" or spell "kuka.." for say "buka". In his progress, he can spell "ndada.." for say "tidak ada", "nanan.." for "jangan", "nyam.." for "kenyang..", etc. Even, out of our minds, he always say to us after talk with someone by phone , "papa..?" for asking someone who talks us before.
For the last thing, he follow his older sister, Nadya. Nadya always ask ummi or abi with whom did she/he talked to with says "siapa ummi ?" or "siapa bi?"
The new progress of Hilmi in talking or spelling is his ability to continue counting, from 1 to 10. Ummi teach him counting number from "satu" to "sepuluh". If ummi said, "sa..", Hilmi over with "..tu". If ummi said, "du..", he over "..wa", and soon until "sepu.." and "". At the last counting, ummi give him applause, and of course it made him very happy.
Overall, Hilmi can talk something more fast than his sister, Nadya.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Hilmi's Improving in talking
Friday, July 4, 2008
The lessons from children
It is not impossible thing if children give us a lesson in living. Nadya & Hilmi have given a lesson to abi in last two days.
Yesterday, we went to ummi's friend home for a business by motorcycle without Nadya, just abi, ummi, and Hilmi. Because we went without Nadya, Hilmi sat between abi (as driver) and ummi. In the traveling, when a big car passed to us, Hilmi 'memeluk' abi more 'erat'. Hilmi did the same thing when abi added the velocity of motorcycle. Hilmi looked so afraid.
When, we went to home return, we changed Hilmi's position. Hilmi was steady in the middle, but he was 'pangku' by ummi. O course, in the traveling, sometimes there was a big car (with its big sound) passed to us. Surprised, because Hilmi wasn't feel afraid like before. One lesson we get from that traveling is a baby feel better in 'pelukan' his mom then in other position.
The other lesson, I got from my daughter, Nadya. In this morning, she made me ashamed to ummi. She asked to ummi for cooking breaksfast. She said,"laparka ummi". So, ummi cooked something for her and the other people at home. When the breakfast was finished to be made, ummi prepared to 'sajikan' on the table. Surprised, suddenly Nadya said, "pintarnya ummi masak". Of course, we laughed for hearing her comment. Special for me, its make me ashamed to ummi because (sambil tersenyum) ummi said, "itu dengarki abi, ana'ta', masih kecil pintarmi memuji, qt tida' pernaki pujika"
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Learning Color
One of many books that I bought last month was about color lesson for children. Nadya, our daughter, was very interested to that book, since she has got the book, she began to learn about the color of everything.
For the first step, she asked the name of each kind of color; red, blue, green, yellow, etc. Then, she compared one color in the book with other color such as: wall, trousers, shirt, her toys, and so on. If, we got the same color between something and one color in the book, she looked happy. She said, "saama..saama..", while she showed something on her hand and one color in the book.
For the first three days, sometimes she got wrong when she tried to guess one color. Sometimes, she forget the name of one color, although she knew the color that she meant. If this happen, she would says, "emm..apadi'.."
Nadya started to learn about color on 7th June in this year, but she was able to differenciate the color even better about one week later.
Keluarga NHA